About Amcon Recruitment
Amcon Recruitment is a leading provider of executive and employee recruitment services in the USA, with specific expertise in assisting international companies search for top American talent to grow their North American organizations.
About Amcon Recruitment

Founded in 1991, Amcon offers Value Added Services to non-US companies who are establishing or growing their US subsidiaries, sales offices or manufacturing operations. After years of working with international organizations focused on the US market, Amcon has developed unique processes that go beyond typical employee search services provided by US recruiters. Our deep involvement includes pre-search consulting to hiring managers, helping define the goals of the position from a US perspective. Once the search is launched, we work closely with the candidates and decision makers, bridging the gaps resulting from cultural differences, distance from the market and varied non-US business practices that don’t always work with US candidates. We remain involved during the critical negotiation process where cultural issues become particularly critical and sometimes problematic. As needed, we assist with onboarding the new employee, ensuring a smooth integration into the business organization.

US based positions Amcon has recruited in the US for non-American companies include:
- President
- General Manager
- VP / Director of Sales
- VP / Director of Business Development
- Regional Sales Manager
- Marketing Manager / Product Manager
- Production Manager
- Director of Operations
- Part-Time business development managers
- And many others